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"Portrait Art Gallery"

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If you've a web site or a blog related to portrait art, you can submit and have your link listed in this art gallery web page.

Portrait drawing is a genre in drawing, where the intent is to depict the visual appearance of the subject. Beside human beings, animals, pets and even inanimate objects can be chosen as the subject for a portrait. In addition to portrait painting, portraits can also be made in other media such as marble, bronze, ivory, wood, ceramic, etching, lithography, photography, even video and digital media.

Portraitists create their work by commission, for public and private persons, or are inspired by admiration or affection for the subject. Portraits are often important state and family records, as well as remembrances. If an artist portrays him- or herself, the result is called a self-portrait. Historically, portrait paintings have primarily memorialized the rich and powerful. Over time, however, it became more common for middle-class patrons to commission portraits of their families and colleagues. Today, the portrait painting is still commissioned by governments, corporations, groups, clubs, and individuals.    

At the moment, opens to all webmasters or bloggers to submit their links related to portrait art.

So, submit your web or blog to this Portrait Art Gallery since it is FREE! This Portrait Art Gallery will only caters for a maximum of 20 links.
  1. Pencil Portrait Artist - Artist draws pencil portrait drawings of people and pets from photographs - upload your photo online to order.

In this website, we are also displaying Pencil Portraits Gallery - drawn by very talented drawing artists with which you will be inspired by their realistic touch to drawing portraits. Learn more...

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If you do have a quality, portrait art theme-based site, one that you yourself would gladly link to, sign-up using the form below.

But before that, invest the most important 30 minutes you will spend online. Click, sit back, and understand what makes you succeed.

Bad sites are removed. What's a bad site? Sites that have...

  • very little content, or low-value content
  • too many low-value links (i.e., link farms or banner farms, "free-for-all" links, tons of affiliate links)
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  • sites promoting hate, spam, libel, and offensive or illegal activity
  • sites that provide incorrect e-mail addresses in the form below.

If this fits you, don't bother registering your site. No one will exchange with you and we'll delete your site from the program. Sorry to be blunt, but there is no room in this exchange program for bad sites.

Exchange Link: Portrait Art

Put your related web page so that your and my web pages linking to each other in a relevant topic! The way that Search Engines want it -- relevant sites linking to relevant sites only.

Perhaps you might want to learn easy steps on how to draw portraits of your favorite celebrity, I highly recommend you to download this ebook: Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery Home Study Course. It is designed for anyone who wants to create realistic pencil portraits on the "real master level" that most artists in the world rarely reach, the quick and easy way.

Learn more ...

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