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"About SBI!"Home » About Me » Create A Web Site » About SBI! As I've mentioned earlier, this program makes online business success do-able. Anyone can succeed with an all-in-one process, tools, and guidance. The letter S-B-I-! stands for Site Build It! (I'm not shouting at you... :-) the exclamation mark is included in the name). It is a product of Sitesell.com But many people said to me, "Why do you use SBI!? There are many other site builders provide easier way to build a Web site..." Yes, there are easier ways to build a Web site. However, online profits require more than just having a collection of Web pages. Do you want your web site to be around ONLY for just 3 to 6 months if not a year without any profit? I know because I've tried using other cheap web hosting and site builder... they are of course easier and cheap... but... sad to say... they DON'T HAVE any process that make my Web sites being found by hundreds if not thousands of traffics in a day! SBI! includes all the tools and a proven process required to build a long-term, profitable e-business. You get more than just a "site builder." You don't need to worry about looking for separate hosting, paying for a separate keyword research tool, handling site submissions, integrating autoresponders, etc., etc. See the full list of features here -- pick the most relevant ones for you and your reader. Too many non-SBI! sites start without profits being
"built into" the
process from DAY 1. It all begins with the right process. Content
Brainstorm It! is SBI!'s powerful keyword brainstorming and research tool. It helps you verify that your site concept has acceptable profit potential. SBIers are saved from making that common fatal error. With Brainstorm It!'s help, they know they are on track, right from the start. Brainstorm It! also helps you to find topics related to your niche that will pull in traffic and generate income. Page creation is as simple as riding a bike with its training wheels still attached. No need to know HTML. The block-by-block builder trains you how to write a page that is both "Search Engine and human effective." It's simple, do-able and most importantly, effective site-building. The block-by-block builder is perfect for beginners, but even many "advanced" users should start with this tool. It's an excellent way to break bad habits! Since SBI! is compatible with popular HTML editors (ex., Dreamweaver) and image tools (ex., Photoshop, Flash, etc.), you can easily use advanced page-building techniques, if you like. This allows for maximum creative flexibility for all skill levels. When it's time to create your site's Look & Feel, Site Build It! provides fully customizable, easy-to-use templates. You can choose and create a professional-looking presentation, even if you have no design skills. And if you're a designer, you can create and upload your own. This page shows a range of styles. Another thing is, it includes domain name analysis, optimization, and registration. You will develop the best name for maximum profitability in your niche. (It's often different than what you had planned.) Fast, reliable, state-of-the-Net Web site hosting is all included with SBI!. You don't have to worry about choosing the right "hosting" features (size, capacity, etc.). Web hosting is included, no nonsense, no hidden clauses. To announce your site to Search Engines, you need to submit a specialized file called a "Sitemap XML" file. SBI! does it all automatically, a huge time saver, that enables you to quickly achieve wider distribution and attract more targeted free traffic. The various HQs ("Traffic," "Tips 'n Techniques," "Resources," "Monetization" and several others) keep you on the cutting edge of all that you need to know. No other "outside reading" is necessary (except for info related to your own business, of course). There are membership sites that charge hundreds (even thousands) of dollars for this type of invaluable information. The SBI! private forums provide friendly, helpful support from other Site Build It! users. Help is available from folks who are in the same place as you. This peer-to-peer support gets you over the humps along the way in a stress-free environment. Help is available even for advanced questions. The forums are a business-building support community ready to help you succeed. SBI! has a no-risk, 30-day money back guarantee. It's a risk-free decision that you can make with confidence and peace of mind.The price is currently $299/year. Let's break that down...
only have one life. Try
SBI Because if I can do this, you can! Follow your dream and discover your true potential... "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain- Testimonials
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